Section 10: Government working with community to heal / Reflection

Section 10: Government working with community to heal


Healing the relationship between Government and the Aboriginal community is a key focus for the NSW Government. Through initiatives including OCHRE (Opportunity, Choice, Healing, Responsibility and Empowerment) and Closing the Gap, the NSW Government is working in partnership to heal and empower Aboriginal communities.

Did you know?

  • For every dollar of revenue, Aboriginal businesses create $4.41 of economic and social value
  • Aboriginal businesses employ more than 30x the proportion of Aboriginal people than other businesses
  • Aboriginal businesses are a ‘safe place’ for families
  • Owners of Aboriginal businesses reinvest revenue in their communities
  • Aboriginal owners, employees and communities are proud of Aboriginal businesses

Learn and explore:

Stop and think:

  • Take some time to explore the Kinchela Aboriginal Boy’s Home website and think of ways you can help.
  • Think about ways an Aboriginal controlled organisation can work in partnership with your work. A good starting point is exploring the organisations in NSW CAPO.