Section 10: Government working with community to heal / References

Section 10: Government working with community to heal


Aboriginal Affairs NSW, ‘About OCHRE’, accessed June 2021.

Aboriginal Affairs NSW, ‘Healing initiatives’, accessed June 2021.

Australian Bureau of Statistics, ‘Estimates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians’, accessed June 2021.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, ‘Indigenous employment’, accessed June 2021Australian Human Rights Commission, ‘Right to self determination’, accessed June 2021

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, ‘Profile of Indigenous Australians’, accessed June 2021.

Australian Public Service Commission, ‘APS Employee Census 2020’, accessed June 2021.

Coalition of Peaks, ‘Coalition of Peaks homepage’, accessed June 2021.

NSW Aboriginal Land Council,  ’Closing the Gap’, accessed June 2021.

NSW Government, ‘Premier’s Priorities: World-class public service’, accessed June 2021.

Planning, Industry and Environment, ‘Aboriginal outcomes strategy’, accessed June 2021.

Public Service Commission, ‘Workforce Profile Reports: Diversity’, accessed June 2021.

Supply Nation, ‘A social return on investment report’, accessed June 2021.