Section 10: Government working with community to heal / Nurturing Aboriginal languages in NSW

Section 10: Government working with community to heal

Nurturing Aboriginal languages in NSW

Aboriginal languages help to strengthen culture, community wellbeing, a sense of belonging; and connection to history, ancestors, the land and family. Aboriginal community organisations and groups are revitalising and speaking Aboriginal languages in communities across NSW.

The NSW Aboriginal Languages Act 2017 is the first of its kind in Australia. The Act acknowledges the significance of Aboriginal languages and supports their revival and growth across NSW. This includes a five-year plan to guide language-related priorities and activities, in addition to an Aboriginal Languages Trust that is managed by Aboriginal Affairs NSW.

A key initiative of the OCHRE (Opportunity, Choice, Healing, Responsibility and Empowerment) plan is working with Aboriginal communities to establish Aboriginal Language and Culture Nests. The nests represent communities that are linked by an Aboriginal language – they provide representatives to teach Aboriginal languages and cultures in schools across the state. This gives students a greater understanding of Aboriginal cultures and helps strengthen the resilience and identity of Aboriginal students. Revitalising and preserving Aboriginal languages supports cultural connections for current and future generations.